Independent Study Registration Form

Send this form to Project Learning Tree, 15240 S Golden Road, Golden, CO 80401, or email the information to For additional information, call 303-278-8822.



Home Phone_____________________________________

Work Phone_____________________________________

email address__________________________________

Grade level, subject, school, school district


Please email me the online webquest so that I may complete a preliminary investigation about Project Learning Tree and the Colorado State Forest Service.

I will then decide which of the secondary modules I am interested in receiving and will send the appropriate amount as a deposit for this independent study opportunity.

When I receive the activity modules in the mail, I will go through them thoroughly, looking for ways to incorporate the activities and information into my lessons.

I will then call/email the PLT office to arrange a time for a brief conversation about the activities, PLT and CSFS, and current and local resources.

I understand that my deposit will be returned within one month, minus the workshop/administrative fee for the modules I select, and that I will receive an official certificate of completion.

I am interested in the following PLT Secondary Modules:

____Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Forests
____The Changing Forest: Forest Ecology
____Exploring Environmental Issues: Municipal Solid Waste
____Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Risk
____Global Connections: Forests of the World
____Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live
